New Youk Blog!
First sentence: "Maybe we can finally put all of this 'Kevin Youkilis can’t run' stuff to rest now." Behold the accompanying picture of Youk entering the dugout after last night's inside-the-park home run:

Ruminations on theatre, music, and just about anything else that crosses my bipolar brain.
Labels: Middle East, opinion, politics
Re-posted from Velocity Comics' email nesletter. Sounds like Monday is a great day to buy comics! I'm gonna dig me out a bunch of old Iron Man back issues!
Keep some time open on Memorial Day (Monday 5/28), we're having a big blowout sale! Opening at 10AM, closing early at 4PM, here's what's going on:
10AM-12Noon: Early bird blowout! All items off the rack a whopping 30% off! (items on hold retain price)
12Noon-2PM: Great savings persist! 20% off all rack items!
2PM-4PM: There's still time! 10% off all rack items.
ALL DAY LONG: All back issues in the boxes $1.00 each! *Pricier books (less than $25.00) will follow the hour-to-hour savings! *All discounted manga in back section knocked down to $1.00 per book! *Probably more sale stuff will pop up!
Please repost this if you're inclined, we're trying to get the word out!
Velocity Comics
Labels: comics
Whoops--look out Iran! The GWBA must be manufacturing all that rhetoric from Ahmedinejad about washing the Earth in nuclear fire to prepare for the return of the Mahdi. It's the only way Bush, Cheney, and Haliburton can get their hands on more oil! Mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha-ha-haaaaaaa!
Editorial note: I'm sorry, but I just don't believe that assuming the supposedly draconian intentions of President Bush is accurate, intellectually valid, or remotely useful in any kind of discourse. You can't call him a moron one minute and an evil genius the next. You can't call him incompetent on one hand and Machiavellian on the other. Then again, a recent poll showed that 30% of Democrats believe that President Bush was complicit in the September 11 attacks. It's FDR and Pearl Harbor all over again. It's a logical progression, of course: If he stole the 2000 election, he's capable of anything, right? :rolleyes:
But back to the numbers. Overall, in 2005 we imported 13.7 million barrels of oil a day. Only 2.3 million barrels a day came from the Persian Gulf, primarily from Saudi Arabia (not Iraq). Osama bin Laden and most of the 9/11 hijackers come from Saudi Arabia. Numerous members of the Saudi royal family openly support terrorism, far more than Saddam Hussein and the wealthy widow's bounty the Iraqi despot used to pay to the families of Palestinian suicide bombers. (I'd love to hear someone explain how that isn't openly supporting terrorism.)
Yet somehow, all the diplomatic language between the U.S. and Saudi Arabia is talk of partnership and friendship. How does this happen despite American distress with theocratic Saudi law that brutally oppresses women and features public dismemberment and beheadings? (Where's the NOW and Amnesty International when you need them?) How does this happen despite the massive number of powerful, wealthy international terrorists claiming Saudi citizenship? How does this "partnership" happen when the imperialist infidels have a blasphemous military presence in the nation of Mecca?
The Saudi version of "no blood for oil" could be "no blood for dollars." In America, we tend to disregard the fact that as the oil comes in, something else goes out: massive amounts of money. According to the EIA, Oil export revenues make up 90-95% of Saudi Arabia's export earnings, 70-80% of state revenues, and a whopping 40% of the country's GDP. Dang. Even for the world's largest oil producer, that is a heavy slant on a single resource, and a non-renewable one at that.
The U.S. is a massive customer. If we were to cease and desist from buying Saudi oil, both countries' economies would obviously take downturns. Saudi Arabia provides around 15% of the United States' imported oil (not oil total; this number does not include the U.S.'s own very large oil production). If we stop buying oil from Saudi Arabia, gas prices will go up, and so will the cost of produce and other things we can't even imagine yet.
But Saudi Arabia's economy would collapse. A major pull-out from the country's only significant industry would be a complete economic and humanitarian disaster.
My point? The Saudis need us as much (or very probably much much more) than we need them. And there are a large large number of demonstrably bad guys in power over there, pumping out an endless stream of young fanatics with blood in their eyes and the deaths of Israel and America in their plans.
So I say, if we're going to be outraged about United States policy in the Persian Gulf, perhaps it would be more appropriate to coin a new protest phrase: No diplomacy for oil.
Labels: Middle East, opinion, politics
Labels: music, wacky shenanigans
With wiser heads in Washington backing off from the Iraq Surrender Funding Bill and rising up to reconsider the Bipartisan Back-Room Amnesty Agreement, I'm actually feeling a little bit of hope after several weeks of absolute bleakness.
Labels: Middle East, opinion, politics
Labels: baseball, sports, wacky shenanigans